Wednesday, September 4, 2019

My mamma always said...

My mamma always said

I pushed education and personal discipline on my daughters, knowing women have a harder time in the professional world than men. These are “skill sets” you instill in your children early in life, wait until Middle school or high school and it is too late.

I am a big advocate of preschool and early childhood learning, children are way smarter than we give them credit for and this should be fostered, from an early age…

I also made sure my daughters were well mannered, something that unfortunately seems to be lost in our current society.  

Parents do not be afraid to be a “parent” to your child, give them boundaries and help them set goals in life. Do not crush their dreams allow them to be who they are meant to be in life.

My daughter shaking the hand of President George W Bush in the oval office.  This daughter was also the youngest female member of the National Security Council, under Condoleezza Rice and my daughter was also a fellow with the prestigious Brookings Institute, the think tank in Washington, DC… Thus dispelling the common notion and stigmata placed on many single parent households that you are doing your child a disservice raising them as such. It is your value system and who you are as a parent (single or married) that produces successful adult children …  

Pictured above is my granddaughter with Michele Obama, (who was the First Lady at the time) whatever your politics are in life Mrs. Obama was very gracious to my granddaughter and knelt down and gave her a hug. Mrs Obama was gracious to all the children.   

I have gone "paper"

My single mother or ruthless dictator eBook is now available in “paper”. I have had many people tell me, they prefer “paper” books to di...