Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A message for my granddaughters

I have several blogs and a few websites … I also have family tree sites (I had 2 DNA tests done) to research family linage … I have to say the best resource for “ancient records” is the Catholic Church… they kept meticulous records for centuries, if your family was Catholic and they received their sacraments there is a record of it in the Catholic Church that is true now and was true a 1,000 years ago… 

The Catholic Church  made my research into family trees a lot easier … and this is global … I have gotten into the Catholic church’s  archives in Germany, Poland and Austria … 

I also keep journals for my grandchildren … one of the saddest things for me is that I did not know my grandparents and hence never knew their personal stories in life (sad to me) everyone wants to know “where they came from” … so I journal about my life for my grandchildren and their children’s children … Hey that is what the Bible is all about (our spiritual history)

Being in Control….   July 6, 2010                     

If a man be in “control” and at the top of his game he is labeled a brilliant organizer, achiever, entrepreneur or even a “mogul”...  A woman does the same she is a bitch, aggressive, (not the words assertive or focused)… For a man success on a higher level is a good thing for a woman it is her trying to castrate a man…  Although I do not have a license to practice medicine nor am I degreed in biology I do know the anatomical/biological differences between a man and woman are from the neck down, brain matter is equal.

At the time of this writing there is a “glass ceiling” for women even those who are brilliant. Hopefully this will change before you’re grown this will not be the case.

I would encourage you to express yourselves and to reach higher then your current point of reference.  Do not seek to make horizontal moves but vertical ones.  Always behave like an adult but keep a child within. It is the child within that will allow you to take the chance; it is she who will trust God on a deeper level.  It is the inner child reaching for the moon who is closer to their goal, then the adult who calculates their next move.  For all things have its start in a belief that it can be done.  Don’t listen to the voices who tell you no, listen to your heart and follow your passion.  Talk it over with God if you want to do something, his is the voice of wisdom.

If a man finds you to imitating it’s his issue not yours, move on.  A “real man” is not intimated by such. You will find in life that you have enough of your own issues to deal with; no need to take on someone else’s…

You are two beautiful little girls, one day you will be stunning women, and this is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing if you take the beauty and add kindness and love using a smile that will light up a room, or light up the life of someone in pain or sorrow; or a curse if you use your appearance to get your own way.  Physical beauty is common, combining it with interior beauty very rare. Be among those rare creatures on earth and become both.
Actually practice 3 B’s…. Be Benevolent   … Be Brilliant… Be Beautiful …. And since we have a God who will not be outdone he will then give you back 3 B’s by giving to you…Blessings… Bounty… Beauty, (deep inner beauty and the beauty of knowing him)…

Control in all areas of life is a good thing … such as control your thinking, your behavior will stay in line, control your appetite and you will not be greedy, control your anger and you will be forgiving, control you judgments and you will be merciful…  If you are out of control, or not in control you are destructive to your self and others…

The 10 commandments and laws are based upon control… Societal control for the benefit of all man, practice personal control to benefit yourself on a personal level…

When you are in the public or thrown into as I was many years ago… the rules change for you, people think they know you and or own you. You are defined by what others want you to be, or think you are. They on a metaphorical level “rape” your identity and place a false one on you…

Some will even try to make money off of you…. Such as the selling things and/or a donation basket or the fact that two people wrote books with me in them… I had neither say in what was written, nor any compensation…  I now have a radio audience, “fan mail, and whatever sent to the station”…. The producer of the show, actually opened these things and kept them… A point that is “illegal”… my friend and a former police chief said report your radio producer to the postal service… I did not and will not…  For I realize it is part of the “game” of business…

The producer wanted to see what the viewers were saying about me and if it is in his best interest to keep me on the air….  My friends tells me if there is money in those envelopes it could cause me a problem in the future… maybe I do not know… I do not think about it…. But then they said this to me…. “Mary Jo maybe there is a whack who is sending you letters either threatening you or seeking to stalk you, you need to have more control of your life and what is coming in for you, for your own safety”…    So I do think more about controlling things around me…  You need to control things round you as well… It is okay to put an “invitation only sign” around yourself…

This is why, I am more “assertive” now and I choose to set boundaries as best I can, I am going to try to place a clear “persona” into the public as best I can… before others do this for me… they will anyhow, on some level, but at least I have placed something out there…

You need to set boundaries in life even for yourself as to how far you will go… very important…

Do not share with many, that inner most you; they do not need to know it, and the essence of you, give to only one…  I will sound very harsh here and maybe should not even write this but I feel I must…

My father raised me without “religion”; education, money and business were my creed. I have tried to run from this for most of my life but you cannot run from your roots. They will always be with you, on some level… The best you can do is modifying behavior… I do believe that my father did give sound advice in the area of business, he was successful with this. He said, “no one will watch your house as you will”… translations do not rely on anyone to keep track of your business or your family, friends you need to do so.

 Next do not show your weakness in the business world, for you swim with sharks, and if they smell blood in the water, they will attack and destroy you.

 I would like to be able to say to you both, you will live in a world of fairy tales, such as you live in now but I cannot. I can only say “be as wise as a fox and as gentle as a dove”… or modern day speak “an iron fist wrapped in a velvet glove”… You were not made to be used, or abused in life because of your gender.  Nor should you be abusers of others, in business or life in general.

There is a side of “Grandma” you do not know… the one called “Princess” or “Bitch”… you do not know her, for in your world she does not exist.  The Princess and the Bitch live in a place, called “the world”…. “Grandma” keeps you both in a place called “love”/ private side…  When you are older and move in the world, do not let the world leech into your place of love/ private side…

In the past I thought that on some level I had to hold back for some said, “I represent God”… I now see that is BS, and on some level that was very prideful of me. No one represents God, yet we all do no matter who we are…  God is available to all from the harsh to the meek.  To set up a “persona” where I can get into someone’s face allows me the flexibility to say what I want, and it becomes on some level expected of me, for “she is a bitch”… Maybe this on some level, is why Archbishop Myers liked to wrote “science fiction”, he said you can voice thoughts on God in a genre that allows you to go beyond “common thought”… “My bitch” appears to be able to do the same…

I have gone "paper"

My single mother or ruthless dictator eBook is now available in “paper”. I have had many people tell me, they prefer “paper” books to di...