Tuesday, June 18, 2019

I am your Mother, not your friend …

Basically the above was my mantra and is my mantra with my daughters. I know modern day thought is OMG this woman is a Troglodyte, we are supposed to be our children’s friend!  No we are not… the title mother is to be and always has been in human history “unique and held in high esteem” … the mother is the hand that rocks the cradle and as such it is said,  Mothers are the most powerful people, because they shape their children's personalities. And these personalities (a mother’s child) are who will govern, and add to or distract from society in the future.
I know it is not “current” to say such things as “boundaries” anymore, children are looked upon as being like “chickens” they should be allowed to “free range” in their formative years and discover themselves… on some level that is true but not to extent society is allowing children to do now. Children are a blank page so either “the parent is going to write on that page, or society and its current trends will” …

I have gone "paper"

My single mother or ruthless dictator eBook is now available in “paper”. I have had many people tell me, they prefer “paper” books to di...